Within the project „Danube Ecotourism”, funded by EU (from the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme, a conference on eco-tourism in the CBC area will be organized on the 3rd of December 2018 in Bulgaria.
This conference is an important communication and visibility tool in order to draw the attention of international specialists, tour-operators and eco-tourists on this ignored area. Also, the conference will be an opportunitie for Romanian, Bulgarian and EU specialists and experts on eco-tourism to discuss on what cross-border destinations can be developed in the cross-border area, to identify potential partners and financings.
The participating experts will be invited to become members of the cross-border eco-tourism experts network and to register on the web-portal (http://www.danube-ecotourism.com/).
You can find the event’s agenda here. For registration: hrda@smebg.net